Monday, December 21, 2015

Gifts From A Conversation

Recently I was having a conversation with a family member; actually more of me venting. There was so much going on in my life that it began feeling like I could not keep up. During the conversation I had brought up an issue and was looking for reassurance that it will all work out. I never wanted anything or asked for any help. I'm the type of person who will go without before worrying too much about my own problems. Most of us are guilty of doing this, not only does it help mask our issues while making us feel all warm inside with helping someone else. We do this with emotional issues, physical issues and financial problems. This time for me was financial.

So it was a huge surprise when I was called and told my "problem" was put out into the community for help. At first anger filled my whole body and felt disgraced. After a few hours of relaxing that passed and reality kicked in. It was not that I am without money; it was the problem could not have came at a worse time. It was a month full of more money going out then coming in, so that meant savings ended up being drained. Then it would be a few months before I could fix the problem.

A few days went by with overwhelming support from the community. I began feeling so blessed and loved. There is a local group here called the Military Family Support Group; which I have been involved with in the past. They are an amazing group of people who do so much for the military families and veterans in our county. They wanted to help me, no strings attached; I was open to their offer and accepted it with an open mind and heart. They provided a relief and the chance to move forward in life with one less thing to focus on.

Before they were able to finalize everything a veteran had sat me down and told me something I will never forget.

"The money being provided to help may have came from a family member who lost their loved one in a war. That it may be their only link to that loved one. Or it may be from someone who was once down on life and worked their way back on track and want to pay it forward. Accepting help even if it was not asked for is a gift in itself. Now get off your high horse say thank you and be prepared to pay it forward."

In the spirit of giving if  possible please donate they help out so many.


Li said...

Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. Those of us who extend a hand to service members and vets are both grateful and honored to be able to do so!

Anonymous said...

Thank you Philip! It is an honor to lend a helping hand when we are able :) There is also a direct PayPal link for donations at our website